Episode 1 – A Good Boy Tells a Lie

Black Sails Season 1 Chapter 1

Episode Notes

The players are in place, the stage is set, time to set sail while the sea is still wet! We begin at the beginning as we watch Season 1 Chapter 1 of Black Sails. Billy Bones has never done a thing wrong in his life and Charles Vane is going to grow on you (allegedly).

Art by kvhastings on instagram Our intro music "Spark of the Sea" by Ronnie Palmieri Production support provided by Bristol Pod Works Brought to you by the kind support of Where They May Radio patrons. Learn more at patreon.com/wtmradio

Episode 2 – Pearls in the Brine

Episode Notes

The chase is on in this chapter 2 of Black Sails! Silver is on the run, multiple parties are on the follow, and Elenor Guthrie has never done anything wrong (yet [mostly]).

Art by kvhastings on instagram Our intro music "Spark of the Sea" by Ronnie Palmieri Production support provided by Bristol Pod Works Brought to you by the kind support of Where They May Radio patrons. Learn more at patreon.com/wtmradio

Episode 3 – You're gonna need another boat

Episode Notes

Content Warning: discussion of rape and sexual assault. You can skip 33:00-50:28 if you want to avoid all discussion of it

It's time to do a bit of negotiation on Nassau as Ronnie and Andy discuss chapter 3 of Black Sails. The Walrus is looking for a sister ship and Silver demonstrates his value by exposing his cowardice.

Art by kvhastings on instagram Our intro music "Spark of the Sea" by Ronnie Palmieri Production support provided by Bristol Pod Works Brought to you by the kind support of Where They May Radio patrons. Learn more at patreon.com/wtmradio

Episode 4 – Careen Calamity

Episode Notes

We discuss Chapter 4 of Black Sails, which Andy describes as a transitional episode into the brand new show it will become in Chapter 5. John Silver gives everyone diarrhea, Flint doesn't listen to the ship's most respected nerd, and the boston boy sails off with our guns! I hate it when that happens!

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Art by kvhastings on instagram Our intro music "Spark of the Sea" by Ronnie Palmieri Production support provided by Bristol Pod Works Brought to you by the kind support of Where They May Radio patrons. Learn more at patreon.com/wtmradio

Episode 5 – Now this is seafaring!

The whole black sails game has been changed

Episode Notes

It has officially popped off y'all! Chapter 5 is a REAL turning point in this show. Everything is turned upside down by the narrative, the included history, the v sexy violence. You are not prepared. I am not prepared. Yo ho ho everybody

Art by kvhastings on instagram Our intro music "Spark of the Sea" by Ronnie Palmieri Production support provided by Bristol Pod Works Brought to you by the kind support of Where They May Radio patrons. Learn more at patreon.com/wtmradio

Episode 6 – Yo-Ho-Co-Dependency (with vicious.frockery)

Episode Notes

Nassau is in total chaos. The Walrus crew is doing mutual aid. Our sweet, sweet boy takes a swim.

Thank you so much to Vic for joining us for this episode. Find them on instagram at vicious.frockery to see their amazing cosplays and more!

Art by kvhastings on instagram Our intro music "Spark of the Sea" by Ronnie Palmieri Production support provided by Bristol Pod Works Brought to you by the kind support of Where They May Radio patrons. Learn more at patreon.com/wtmradio

Episode 7 – The Metaphor Goes Hard

Episode Notes

Flint is gay, and it is very important you know that before this episode because the "pirate" metaphor makes us get pretty deep. Before that we talk about Larp and stuff but just be prepared for some big feelings and self reflection brought about because Miranda sent one simple letter. Its almost as big a deal for us as it is for Billy Bones (RIP[maybe])

Art by kvhastings on instagram Our intro music "Spark of the Sea" by Ronnie Palmieri Production support provided by Bristol Pod Works Brought to you by the kind support of Where They May Radio patrons. Learn more at patreon.com/wtmradio

Episode 8 – It's A treasure island but not THE treasure island

Episode Notes

Well the good news is, they found the Urca. The bad news is basically everything else.

Andy and Ronnie discuss the epic and heart wrenching season 1 finale of Black Sails. so much happens and we have big feelings about it. So dive on in with us like you're ship is taking heavy cannon fire from a more heavily armed ship.

Art by kvhastings on instagram Our intro music "Spark of the Sea" by Ronnie Palmieri Production support provided by Bristol Pod Works Brought to you by the kind support of Where They May Radio patrons. Learn more at patreon.com/wtmradio

Episode 9 – Flint is not the Captain (wink ;)

New Season New Flint (jk same old flint)

Episode Notes

It's a new season, but it sure feels like more of the same stuff we love from our good friends: pirates!

Andi and Ronnie discuss Larp (of course) and the new and emerging relationships and dynamics between all the spiders on this tangled web. Plus, how long until Flint takes back this crew???

Art by kvhastings on instagram Our intro music "Spark of the Sea" by Ronnie Palmieri Production support provided by Bristol Pod Works Brought to you by the kind support of Where They May Radio patrons. Learn more at patreon.com/wtmradio

Episode 10 – Low Blow

Episode Notes

Ronnie would like to formally take back everything they said about Ned Low being a budget Charles Vane. He is definitely a big bad villain and very scary and I'm sorry Ned, don't hurt me.

Anywho, Andi and Ronnie discuss Chapter 10 of Black Sails. The formation of the Ranger Polycule, James McGraw keying in on his inner Flint, and of course, the infamous Ned Low.

Art by kvhastings on instagram Our intro music "Spark of the Sea" by Ronnie Palmieri Production support provided by Bristol Pod Works Brought to you by the kind support of Where They May Radio patrons. Learn more at patreon.com/wtmradio

Where They May Radio 2023